From Bitcoin to Marble Layer 2

Marble Layer2 execution node is embedded with a deposit service program that continuously reads Bitcoin data blocks and scans them. Once it identifies a successful execution of a transfer request from a user address to a threshold public key address (the transaction must include the Marble Layer2 minting address), it initiates the corresponding minting transaction on Marble Layer2. This transaction includes an Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) proof of the Bitcoin transaction. When the Bitcoin light node contract on Marble Layer2 successfully verifies the SPV proof, the deposit service program submits a withdrawal request to the deposit-withdrawal contract running on Marble Layer2, initiating a 1:1 minting of the tokens to be transferred for the target user address.

BTC——BTC (same name for low learning curves)

Inscriptions——ERC20 tokens

NFT Inscriptions——ERC721 tokens

During the minting process, transactions are executed sequentially on Marble Layer2 following the order of transactions on Bitcoin. If a minting request has already been processed, it will be abandoned.