Launch a new token
There are two stages to launching new tokens:
Bonding Curve phase with fictional 1BTC and 26782191.7808219 new ERC-1520 tokens
Initial Launch: 1*26782191.7808219=k=26782191.7808219
Successful Launch: (1+1.21666666666666) * 12,082,191.7808582=k
Between these two phases 14.7 million new ERC-1520s were sold. 1.216666666666 BTC were added to the Bonding Curve in real terms. The platform charged a 5% commission to construct a trading pair with 0.95*1.2166666666666 BTC and the remaining 6.3 million new ERC-1520s.
The initial price was 3.73382435681039e-8 BTC/each and the final price was 1.83465608465608e-7 BTC/each Gained 4.91361111111111 times.
Initial market capitalization was 0.784103114930183 BTC, final market capitalization was 3.8527777777777778 BTC.
The Bonding Curve process has no commission for buying and a 5% commission for selling. Into the Marble Labs treasury. I.e., I sell a portion of the new Erc-1520, and if I should get 0.1 BTC, I actually get 0.95 BTC, and the other 0.05 goes into the Marble Labs treasury.
At the time of the last transaction, if the amount of new ERC-1520 purchased by the transaction would cause the total Bonding curve purchases to exceed 14.7 million, then the contract will automatically refund the excess BTC. making the last transaction reach exactly 14.7 million, and then proceed to add the real LP.
Last updated